Rupert Union Cemetery
The Rupert Union Cemetery is located at 506 Chemin des Érables in Rupert Québec in the Municipality of La Pêche. The cemetery came into existence around 1900 and is operated by the Rupert Cemetery Company.
The Rupert Union Cemetery is a place we have proudly maintained since the early 1900’s protecting our heritage and showing respect for our ancestors. Most of us in the area have ties with the Rupert Union Cemetery – be it relatives or friends who rest there.
Charity Status
Your donations are important for the maintenance and perpetual care of this cemetery. The Rupert Cemetery Company is a registered charity with Revenue Canada. This means that we can now give income tax receipts for donations you make for the care and maintenance of our cemetery.
If you would like to make a donation to the cemetery by cheque, please send a cheque made payable to the “Rupert Cemetery Company” in care of the Treasurer, Ms Carolyn Kidder, 14 Hillcrest, Wakefield Québec, J0X 3G0.
If you would like to make a donation to the cemetery by Interac e-transfer please send a message to rupertcemetery@gmail.com and we will give you a security answer to facilitate the transaction.
Plots, Burials and Headstones
Mark Nesbitt is the Caretaker
for the Cemetery. If you wish
to buy a plot, arrange a
burial or install a headstone,
please contact Mark at:
Events & Announcements
Annual General Meeting
The next AGM of the Rupert Cemetery Company will be held on Sunday June 1st 2025 immediately after the Memorial at the Rupert Community Centre located at 24 Ch. Shouldice. The purpose of the meeting will be to present the annual financial report, appoint the executive for 2025 and discuss the maintenance and any other issues related to our cemetery. Please plan to attend.
Memorial Service
The Memorial Service is a time to remember and celebrate the lives of our relatives and friends who are buried there. You are invited to join us at the annual Rupert Union Cemetery Memorial Service to be held on Sunday, June 1st 2025 at 1:30 PM. We have made the first Sunday in June as our day for the Rupert Union Cemetery Memorial Service to make it easy to remember for future years. In case of rain the service will be moved to Rupert United Church, located at 646 Ch. Des Érables.
Goodbye to our Maple Trees
You will notice that our beautiful maple trees are gone. We asked Walter Noorlander ARB Services to assess the condition of the two big maple trees in the cemetery. Walter indicated that the trees were in bad shape, they were rotten at the stump. We made the decision to have them taken down before they fell down and did damage to the cemetery. It was a big job to take down the trees. Walter and Felix Anderson cut down the trees, David Gibson and Rick Lim took the brush and wood away. Mark Nesbitt and Myles Mahon helped to load the brush and wood. A big thank you to everyone who helped. We are going to miss those trees and the shade they provided on sunny days.

Memorial Service
History of Rupert Union Cemetery
Carolyn Nesbitt Kidder has published a book about the history of the Rupert Union Cemetery. The book contains a list of those that have been buried at the Rupert Union Cemetery, a picture of each headstone and a map of the locations of plots where people are buried. If you want to get a copy, after the service. The cost of the book is $25. Proceeds from the book go directly to the cemetery board for upkeep of the cemetery. Our thanks to Carolyn for her work in putting this historical record together and for this generous contribution to the cemetery. Note: We will have updates for the book at the service (burials since April 2012).
Rupert Union Cemetery Board
The list of officers (and their telephone numbers) serving on the Rupert Union Cemetery Board is as follows. If you have any questions or concerns about the Rupert Union Cemetery, give any of us a call.
Board Members:
Myles Mahon (Chair)
Susan Aucoin (Secretary)
Carolyn Kidder (Treasurer)
Mark Nesbitt (Caretaker)
Gail Nesbitt
Joe Hiscott
Stéphanie-Ann Brisson
The Rupert Union Cemetery is located at 506 Chemin des Érables in Rupert Québec in the Municipality of La Pêche.